* SmartMenus jQuery Plugin - v1.0.1 - November 1, 2016
* http://www.smartmenus.org/
* Copyright Vasil Dinkov, Vadikom Web Ltd.
* http://vadikom.com
* Licensed MIT
(function (factory) {
if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
// AMD
define(['jquery'], factory);
} else if (typeof module === 'object' && typeof module.exports === 'object') {
// CommonJS
module.exports = factory(require('jquery'));
} else {
// Global jQuery
}(function ($) {
var menuTrees = [],
IE = !!window.createPopup, // detect it for the iframe shim
mouse = false, // optimize for touch by default - we will detect for mouse input
touchEvents = 'ontouchstart' in window, // we use this just to choose between toucn and pointer events, not for touch screen detection
mouseDetectionEnabled = false,
requestAnimationFrame = window.requestAnimationFrame || function (callback) { return setTimeout(callback, 1000 / 60); },
cancelAnimationFrame = window.cancelAnimationFrame || function (id) { clearTimeout(id); };
// Handle detection for mouse input (i.e. desktop browsers, tablets with a mouse, etc.)
function initMouseDetection(disable) {
var eNS = '.smartmenus_mouse';
if (!mouseDetectionEnabled && !disable) {
// if we get two consecutive mousemoves within 2 pixels from each other and within 300ms, we assume a real mouse/cursor is present
// in practice, this seems like impossible to trick unintentianally with a real mouse and a pretty safe detection on touch devices (even with older browsers that do not support touch events)
var firstTime = true,
lastMove = null;
['mousemove', function (e) {
var thisMove = { x: e.pageX, y: e.pageY, timeStamp: new Date().getTime() };
if (lastMove) {
var deltaX = Math.abs(lastMove.x - thisMove.x),
deltaY = Math.abs(lastMove.y - thisMove.y);
if ((deltaX > 0 || deltaY > 0) && deltaX <= 2 && deltaY <= 2 && thisMove.timeStamp - lastMove.timeStamp <= 300) {
mouse = true;
// if this is the first check after page load, check if we are not over some item by chance and call the mouseenter handler if yes
if (firstTime) {
var $a = $(e.target).closest('a');
if ($a.is('a')) {
$.each(menuTrees, function () {
if ($.contains(this.$root[0], $a[0])) {
this.itemEnter({ currentTarget: $a[0] });
return false;
firstTime = false;
lastMove = thisMove;
[touchEvents ? 'touchstart' : 'pointerover pointermove pointerout MSPointerOver MSPointerMove MSPointerOut', function (e) {
if (isTouchEvent(e.originalEvent)) {
mouse = false;
], eNS));
mouseDetectionEnabled = true;
} else if (mouseDetectionEnabled && disable) {
mouseDetectionEnabled = false;
function isTouchEvent(e) {
return !/^(4|mouse)$/.test(e.pointerType);
// returns a jQuery bind() ready object
function getEventsNS(defArr, eNS) {
if (!eNS) {
eNS = '';
var obj = {};
$.each(defArr, function (index, value) {
obj[value[0].split(' ').join(eNS + ' ') + eNS] = value[1];
return obj;
$.SmartMenus = function (elm, options) {
this.$root = $(elm);
this.opts = options;
this.rootId = ''; // internal
this.accessIdPrefix = '';
this.$subArrow = null;
this.activatedItems = []; // stores last activated A's for each level
this.visibleSubMenus = []; // stores visible sub menus UL's (might be in no particular order)
this.showTimeout = 0;
this.hideTimeout = 0;
this.scrollTimeout = 0;
this.clickActivated = false;
this.focusActivated = false;
this.zIndexInc = 0;
this.idInc = 0;
this.$firstLink = null; // we'll use these for some tests
this.$firstSub = null; // at runtime so we'll cache them
this.disabled = false;
this.$disableOverlay = null;
this.$touchScrollingSub = null;
this.cssTransforms3d = 'perspective' in elm.style || 'webkitPerspective' in elm.style;
this.wasCollapsible = false;
$.extend($.SmartMenus, {
hideAll: function () {
$.each(menuTrees, function () {
destroy: function () {
while (menuTrees.length) {
prototype: {
init: function (refresh) {
var self = this;
if (!refresh) {
this.rootId = (new Date().getTime() + Math.random() + '').replace(/\D/g, '');
this.accessIdPrefix = 'sm-' + this.rootId + '-';
if (this.$root.hasClass('sm-rtl')) {
this.opts.rightToLeftSubMenus = true;
// init root (main menu)
var eNS = '.smartmenus';
.data('smartmenus', this)
.attr('data-smartmenus-id', this.rootId)
.dataSM('level', 1)
['mouseover focusin', $.proxy(this.rootOver, this)],
['mouseout focusout', $.proxy(this.rootOut, this)],
['keydown', $.proxy(this.rootKeyDown, this)]
], eNS))
.delegate('a', getEventsNS([
['mouseenter', $.proxy(this.itemEnter, this)],
['mouseleave', $.proxy(this.itemLeave, this)],
['mousedown', $.proxy(this.itemDown, this)],
['focus', $.proxy(this.itemFocus, this)],
['blur', $.proxy(this.itemBlur, this)],
['click', $.proxy(this.itemClick, this)]
], eNS));
// hide menus on tap or click outside the root UL
eNS += this.rootId;
if (this.opts.hideOnClick) {
['touchstart', $.proxy(this.docTouchStart, this)],
['touchmove', $.proxy(this.docTouchMove, this)],
['touchend', $.proxy(this.docTouchEnd, this)],
// for Opera Mobile < 11.5, webOS browser, etc. we'll check click too
['click', $.proxy(this.docClick, this)]
], eNS));
// hide sub menus on resize
$(window).bind(getEventsNS([['resize orientationchange', $.proxy(this.winResize, this)]], eNS));
if (this.opts.subIndicators) {
this.$subArrow = $('').addClass('sub-arrow');
if (this.opts.subIndicatorsText) {
// make sure mouse detection is enabled
// init sub menus
this.$firstSub = this.$root.find('ul').each(function () { self.menuInit($(this)); }).eq(0);
this.$firstLink = this.$root.find('a').eq(0);
// find current item
if (this.opts.markCurrentItem) {
var reDefaultDoc = /(index|default)\.[^#\?\/]*/i,
reHash = /#.*/,
locHref = window.location.href.replace(reDefaultDoc, ''),
locHrefNoHash = locHref.replace(reHash, '');
this.$root.find('a').each(function () {
var href = this.href.replace(reDefaultDoc, ''),
$this = $(this);
if (href == locHref || href == locHrefNoHash) {
if (self.opts.markCurrentTree) {
$this.parentsUntil('[data-smartmenus-id]', 'ul').each(function () {
// save initial state
this.wasCollapsible = this.isCollapsible();
destroy: function (refresh) {
if (!refresh) {
var eNS = '.smartmenus';
eNS += this.rootId;
if (this.opts.subIndicators) {
this.$subArrow = null;
var self = this;
this.$root.find('ul').each(function () {
var $this = $(this);
if ($this.dataSM('scroll-arrows')) {
if ($this.dataSM('shown-before')) {
if (self.opts.subMenusMinWidth || self.opts.subMenusMaxWidth) {
$this.css({ width: '', minWidth: '', maxWidth: '' }).removeClass('sm-nowrap');
if ($this.dataSM('scroll-arrows')) {
$this.css({ zIndex: '', top: '', left: '', marginLeft: '', marginTop: '', display: '' });
if (($this.attr('id') || '').indexOf(self.accessIdPrefix) == 0) {
this.$root.find('a.has-submenu').each(function () {
var $this = $(this);
if ($this.attr('id').indexOf(self.accessIdPrefix) == 0) {
if (this.opts.subIndicators) {
if (this.opts.markCurrentItem) {
if (!refresh) {
this.$root = null;
this.$firstLink = null;
this.$firstSub = null;
if (this.$disableOverlay) {
this.$disableOverlay = null;
menuTrees.splice($.inArray(this, menuTrees), 1);
disable: function (noOverlay) {
if (!this.disabled) {
// display overlay over the menu to prevent interaction
if (!noOverlay && !this.opts.isPopup && this.$root.is(':visible')) {
var pos = this.$root.offset();
this.$disableOverlay = $('
position: 'absolute',
top: pos.top,
left: pos.left,
width: this.$root.outerWidth(),
height: this.$root.outerHeight(),
zIndex: this.getStartZIndex(true),
opacity: 0
this.disabled = true;
docClick: function (e) {
if (this.$touchScrollingSub) {
this.$touchScrollingSub = null;
// hide on any click outside the menu or on a menu link
if (this.visibleSubMenus.length && !$.contains(this.$root[0], e.target) || $(e.target).is('a')) {
docTouchEnd: function (e) {
if (!this.lastTouch) {
if (this.visibleSubMenus.length && (this.lastTouch.x2 === undefined || this.lastTouch.x1 == this.lastTouch.x2) && (this.lastTouch.y2 === undefined || this.lastTouch.y1 == this.lastTouch.y2) && (!this.lastTouch.target || !$.contains(this.$root[0], this.lastTouch.target))) {
if (this.hideTimeout) {
this.hideTimeout = 0;
// hide with a delay to prevent triggering accidental unwanted click on some page element
var self = this;
this.hideTimeout = setTimeout(function () { self.menuHideAll(); }, 350);
this.lastTouch = null;
docTouchMove: function (e) {
if (!this.lastTouch) {
var touchPoint = e.originalEvent.touches[0];
this.lastTouch.x2 = touchPoint.pageX;
this.lastTouch.y2 = touchPoint.pageY;
docTouchStart: function (e) {
var touchPoint = e.originalEvent.touches[0];
this.lastTouch = { x1: touchPoint.pageX, y1: touchPoint.pageY, target: touchPoint.target };
enable: function () {
if (this.disabled) {
if (this.$disableOverlay) {
this.$disableOverlay = null;
this.disabled = false;
getClosestMenu: function (elm) {
var $closestMenu = $(elm).closest('ul');
while ($closestMenu.dataSM('in-mega')) {
$closestMenu = $closestMenu.parent().closest('ul');
return $closestMenu[0] || null;
getHeight: function ($elm) {
return this.getOffset($elm, true);
// returns precise width/height float values
getOffset: function ($elm, height) {
var old;
if ($elm.css('display') == 'none') {
old = { position: $elm[0].style.position, visibility: $elm[0].style.visibility };
$elm.css({ position: 'absolute', visibility: 'hidden' }).show();
var box = $elm[0].getBoundingClientRect && $elm[0].getBoundingClientRect(),
val = box && (height ? box.height || box.bottom - box.top : box.width || box.right - box.left);
if (!val && val !== 0) {
val = height ? $elm[0].offsetHeight : $elm[0].offsetWidth;
if (old) {
return val;
getStartZIndex: function (root) {
var zIndex = parseInt(this[root ? '$root' : '$firstSub'].css('z-index'));
if (!root && isNaN(zIndex)) {
zIndex = parseInt(this.$root.css('z-index'));
return !isNaN(zIndex) ? zIndex : 1;
getTouchPoint: function (e) {
return e.touches && e.touches[0] || e.changedTouches && e.changedTouches[0] || e;
getViewport: function (height) {
var name = height ? 'Height' : 'Width',
val = document.documentElement['client' + name],
val2 = window['inner' + name];
if (val2) {
val = Math.min(val, val2);
return val;
getViewportHeight: function () {
return this.getViewport(true);
getViewportWidth: function () {
return this.getViewport();
getWidth: function ($elm) {
return this.getOffset($elm);
handleEvents: function () {
return !this.disabled && this.isCSSOn();
handleItemEvents: function ($a) {
return this.handleEvents() && !this.isLinkInMegaMenu($a);
isCollapsible: function () {
return this.$firstSub.css('position') == 'static';
isCSSOn: function () {
return this.$firstLink.css('display') == 'block';
isFixed: function () {
var isFixed = this.$root.css('position') == 'fixed';
if (!isFixed) {
this.$root.parentsUntil('body').each(function () {
if ($(this).css('position') == 'fixed') {
isFixed = true;
return false;
return isFixed;
isLinkInMegaMenu: function ($a) {
return $(this.getClosestMenu($a[0])).hasClass('mega-menu');
isTouchMode: function () {
return !mouse || this.opts.noMouseOver || this.isCollapsible();
itemActivate: function ($a, focus) {
var $ul = $a.closest('ul'),
level = $ul.dataSM('level');
// if for some reason the parent item is not activated (e.g. this is an API call to activate the item), activate all parent items first
if (level > 1 && (!this.activatedItems[level - 2] || this.activatedItems[level - 2][0] != $ul.dataSM('parent-a')[0])) {
var self = this;
$($ul.parentsUntil('[data-smartmenus-id]', 'ul').get().reverse()).add($ul).each(function () {
// hide any visible deeper level sub menus
if (!this.isCollapsible() || focus) {
this.menuHideSubMenus(!this.activatedItems[level - 1] || this.activatedItems[level - 1][0] != $a[0] ? level - 1 : level);
// save new active item for this level
this.activatedItems[level - 1] = $a;
if (this.$root.triggerHandler('activate.smapi', $a[0]) === false) {
// show the sub menu if this item has one
var $sub = $a.dataSM('sub');
if ($sub && (this.isTouchMode() || (!this.opts.showOnClick || this.clickActivated))) {
itemBlur: function (e) {
var $a = $(e.currentTarget);
if (!this.handleItemEvents($a)) {
this.$root.triggerHandler('blur.smapi', $a[0]);
itemClick: function (e) {
var $a = $(e.currentTarget);
if (!this.handleItemEvents($a)) {
if (this.$touchScrollingSub && this.$touchScrollingSub[0] == $a.closest('ul')[0]) {
this.$touchScrollingSub = null;
return false;
if (this.$root.triggerHandler('click.smapi', $a[0]) === false) {
return false;
var subArrowClicked = $(e.target).is('span.sub-arrow'),
$sub = $a.dataSM('sub'),
firstLevelSub = $sub ? $sub.dataSM('level') == 2 : false;
// if the sub is not visible
if ($sub && !$sub.is(':visible')) {
if (this.opts.showOnClick && firstLevelSub) {
this.clickActivated = true;
// try to activate the item and show the sub
// if "itemActivate" showed the sub, prevent the click so that the link is not loaded
// if it couldn't show it, then the sub menus are disabled with an !important declaration (e.g. via mobile styles) so let the link get loaded
if ($sub.is(':visible')) {
this.focusActivated = true;
return false;
} else if (this.isCollapsible() && subArrowClicked) {
return false;
if (this.opts.showOnClick && firstLevelSub || $a.hasClass('disabled') || this.$root.triggerHandler('select.smapi', $a[0]) === false) {
return false;
itemDown: function (e) {
var $a = $(e.currentTarget);
if (!this.handleItemEvents($a)) {
$a.dataSM('mousedown', true);
itemEnter: function (e) {
var $a = $(e.currentTarget);
if (!this.handleItemEvents($a)) {
if (!this.isTouchMode()) {
if (this.showTimeout) {
this.showTimeout = 0;
var self = this;
this.showTimeout = setTimeout(function () { self.itemActivate($a); }, this.opts.showOnClick && $a.closest('ul').dataSM('level') == 1 ? 1 : this.opts.showTimeout);
this.$root.triggerHandler('mouseenter.smapi', $a[0]);
itemFocus: function (e) {
var $a = $(e.currentTarget);
if (!this.handleItemEvents($a)) {
// fix (the mousedown check): in some browsers a tap/click produces consecutive focus + click events so we don't need to activate the item on focus
if (this.focusActivated && (!this.isTouchMode() || !$a.dataSM('mousedown')) && (!this.activatedItems.length || this.activatedItems[this.activatedItems.length - 1][0] != $a[0])) {
this.itemActivate($a, true);
this.$root.triggerHandler('focus.smapi', $a[0]);
itemLeave: function (e) {
var $a = $(e.currentTarget);
if (!this.handleItemEvents($a)) {
if (!this.isTouchMode()) {
if (this.showTimeout) {
this.showTimeout = 0;
this.$root.triggerHandler('mouseleave.smapi', $a[0]);
menuHide: function ($sub) {
if (this.$root.triggerHandler('beforehide.smapi', $sub[0]) === false) {
$sub.stop(true, true);
if ($sub.css('display') != 'none') {
var complete = function () {
// unset z-index
$sub.css('z-index', '');
// if sub is collapsible (mobile view)
if (this.isCollapsible()) {
if (this.opts.collapsibleHideFunction) {
this.opts.collapsibleHideFunction.call(this, $sub, complete);
} else {
$sub.hide(this.opts.collapsibleHideDuration, complete);
} else {
if (this.opts.hideFunction) {
this.opts.hideFunction.call(this, $sub, complete);
} else {
$sub.hide(this.opts.hideDuration, complete);
// remove IE iframe shim
if ($sub.dataSM('ie-shim')) {
$sub.dataSM('ie-shim').remove().css({ '-webkit-transform': '', transform: '' });
// deactivate scrolling if it is activated for this sub
if ($sub.dataSM('scroll')) {
$sub.css({ 'touch-action': '', '-ms-touch-action': '', '-webkit-transform': '', transform: '' })
// unhighlight parent item + accessibility
$sub.dataSM('parent-a').removeClass('highlighted').attr('aria-expanded', 'false');
'aria-expanded': 'false',
'aria-hidden': 'true'
var level = $sub.dataSM('level');
this.activatedItems.splice(level - 1, 1);
this.visibleSubMenus.splice($.inArray($sub, this.visibleSubMenus), 1);
this.$root.triggerHandler('hide.smapi', $sub[0]);
menuHideAll: function () {
if (this.showTimeout) {
this.showTimeout = 0;
// hide all subs
// if it's a popup, this.visibleSubMenus[0] is the root UL
var level = this.opts.isPopup ? 1 : 0;
for (var i = this.visibleSubMenus.length - 1; i >= level; i--) {
// hide root if it's popup
if (this.opts.isPopup) {
this.$root.stop(true, true);
if (this.$root.is(':visible')) {
if (this.opts.hideFunction) {
this.opts.hideFunction.call(this, this.$root);
} else {
// remove IE iframe shim
if (this.$root.dataSM('ie-shim')) {
this.activatedItems = [];
this.visibleSubMenus = [];
this.clickActivated = false;
this.focusActivated = false;
// reset z-index increment
this.zIndexInc = 0;
menuHideSubMenus: function (level) {
for (var i = this.activatedItems.length - 1; i >= level; i--) {
var $sub = this.activatedItems[i].dataSM('sub');
if ($sub) {
menuIframeShim: function ($ul) {
// create iframe shim for the menu
if (IE && this.opts.overlapControlsInIE && !$ul.dataSM('ie-shim')) {
$ul.dataSM('ie-shim', $('').attr({ src: 'javascript:0', tabindex: -9 })
.css({ position: 'absolute', top: 'auto', left: '0', opacity: 0, border: '0' })
menuInit: function ($ul) {
if (!$ul.dataSM('in-mega')) {
// mark UL's in mega drop downs (if any) so we can neglect them
if ($ul.hasClass('mega-menu')) {
$ul.find('ul').dataSM('in-mega', true);
// get level (much faster than, for example, using parentsUntil)
var level = 2,
par = $ul[0];
while ((par = par.parentNode.parentNode) != this.$root[0]) {
// cache stuff for quick access
var $a = $ul.prevAll('a').eq(-1);
// if the link is nested (e.g. in a heading)
if (!$a.length) {
$a = $ul.prevAll().find('a').eq(-1);
$a.addClass('has-submenu').dataSM('sub', $ul);
$ul.dataSM('parent-a', $a)
.dataSM('level', level)
.parent().dataSM('sub', $ul);
// accessibility
var aId = $a.attr('id') || this.accessIdPrefix + (++this.idInc),
ulId = $ul.attr('id') || this.accessIdPrefix + (++this.idInc);
id: aId,
'aria-haspopup': 'true',
'aria-controls': ulId,
'aria-expanded': 'false'
id: ulId,
'role': 'group',
'aria-hidden': 'true',
'aria-labelledby': aId,
'aria-expanded': 'false'
// add sub indicator to parent item
if (this.opts.subIndicators) {
menuPosition: function ($sub) {
var $a = $sub.dataSM('parent-a'),
$li = $a.closest('li'),
$ul = $li.parent(),
level = $sub.dataSM('level'),
subW = this.getWidth($sub),
subH = this.getHeight($sub),
itemOffset = $a.offset(),
itemX = itemOffset.left,
itemY = itemOffset.top,
itemW = this.getWidth($a),
itemH = this.getHeight($a),
$win = $(window),
winX = $win.scrollLeft(),
winY = $win.scrollTop(),
winW = this.getViewportWidth(),
winH = this.getViewportHeight(),
horizontalParent = $ul.parent().is('[data-sm-horizontal-sub]') || level == 2 && !$ul.hasClass('sm-vertical'),
rightToLeft = this.opts.rightToLeftSubMenus && !$li.is('[data-sm-reverse]') || !this.opts.rightToLeftSubMenus && $li.is('[data-sm-reverse]'),
subOffsetX = level == 2 ? this.opts.mainMenuSubOffsetX : this.opts.subMenusSubOffsetX,
subOffsetY = level == 2 ? this.opts.mainMenuSubOffsetY : this.opts.subMenusSubOffsetY,
x, y;
if (horizontalParent) {
x = rightToLeft ? itemW - subW - subOffsetX : subOffsetX;
y = this.opts.bottomToTopSubMenus ? -subH - subOffsetY : itemH + subOffsetY;
} else {
x = rightToLeft ? subOffsetX - subW : itemW - subOffsetX;
y = this.opts.bottomToTopSubMenus ? itemH - subOffsetY - subH : subOffsetY;
if (this.opts.keepInViewport) {
var absX = itemX + x,
absY = itemY + y;
if (rightToLeft && absX < winX) {
x = horizontalParent ? winX - absX + x : itemW - subOffsetX;
} else if (!rightToLeft && absX + subW > winX + winW) {
x = horizontalParent ? winX + winW - subW - absX + x : subOffsetX - subW;
if (!horizontalParent) {
if (subH < winH && absY + subH > winY + winH) {
y += winY + winH - subH - absY;
} else if (subH >= winH || absY < winY) {
y += winY - absY;
// do we need scrolling?
// 0.49 used for better precision when dealing with float values
if (horizontalParent && (absY + subH > winY + winH + 0.49 || absY < winY) || !horizontalParent && subH > winH + 0.49) {
var self = this;
if (!$sub.dataSM('scroll-arrows')) {
$sub.dataSM('scroll-arrows', $([$('')[0], $('')[0]])
mouseenter: function () {
$sub.dataSM('scroll').up = $(this).hasClass('scroll-up');
mouseleave: function (e) {
self.menuScrollOut($sub, e);
'mousewheel DOMMouseScroll': function (e) { e.preventDefault(); }
// bind scroll events and save scroll data for this sub
var eNS = '.smartmenus_scroll';
$sub.dataSM('scroll', {
y: this.cssTransforms3d ? 0 : y - itemH,
step: 1,
// cache stuff for faster recalcs later
itemH: itemH,
subH: subH,
arrowDownH: this.getHeight($sub.dataSM('scroll-arrows').eq(1))
['mouseover', function (e) { self.menuScrollOver($sub, e); }],
['mouseout', function (e) { self.menuScrollOut($sub, e); }],
['mousewheel DOMMouseScroll', function (e) { self.menuScrollMousewheel($sub, e); }]
], eNS))
.dataSM('scroll-arrows').css({ top: 'auto', left: '0', marginLeft: x + (parseInt($sub.css('border-left-width')) || 0), width: subW - (parseInt($sub.css('border-left-width')) || 0) - (parseInt($sub.css('border-right-width')) || 0), zIndex: $sub.css('z-index') })
.eq(horizontalParent && this.opts.bottomToTopSubMenus ? 0 : 1).show();
// when a menu tree is fixed positioned we allow scrolling via touch too
// since there is no other way to access such long sub menus if no mouse is present
if (this.isFixed()) {
$sub.css({ 'touch-action': 'none', '-ms-touch-action': 'none' })
[touchEvents ? 'touchstart touchmove touchend' : 'pointerdown pointermove pointerup MSPointerDown MSPointerMove MSPointerUp', function (e) {
self.menuScrollTouch($sub, e);
], eNS));
$sub.css({ top: 'auto', left: '0', marginLeft: x, marginTop: y - itemH });
// IE iframe shim
if ($sub.dataSM('ie-shim')) {
$sub.dataSM('ie-shim').css({ zIndex: $sub.css('z-index'), width: subW, height: subH, marginLeft: x, marginTop: y - itemH });
menuScroll: function ($sub, once, step) {
var data = $sub.dataSM('scroll'),
$arrows = $sub.dataSM('scroll-arrows'),
end = data.up ? data.upEnd : data.downEnd,
if (!once && data.momentum) {
data.momentum *= 0.92;
diff = data.momentum;
if (diff < 0.5) {
} else {
diff = step || (once || !this.opts.scrollAccelerate ? this.opts.scrollStep : Math.floor(data.step));
// hide any visible deeper level sub menus
var level = $sub.dataSM('level');
if (this.activatedItems[level - 1] && this.activatedItems[level - 1].dataSM('sub') && this.activatedItems[level - 1].dataSM('sub').is(':visible')) {
this.menuHideSubMenus(level - 1);
data.y = data.up && end <= data.y || !data.up && end >= data.y ? data.y : (Math.abs(end - data.y) > diff ? data.y + (data.up ? diff : -diff) : end);
$sub.add($sub.dataSM('ie-shim')).css(this.cssTransforms3d ? { '-webkit-transform': 'translate3d(0, ' + data.y + 'px, 0)', transform: 'translate3d(0, ' + data.y + 'px, 0)' } : { marginTop: data.y });
// show opposite arrow if appropriate
if (mouse && (data.up && data.y > data.downEnd || !data.up && data.y < data.upEnd)) {
$arrows.eq(data.up ? 1 : 0).show();
// if we've reached the end
if (data.y == end) {
if (mouse) {
$arrows.eq(data.up ? 0 : 1).hide();
} else if (!once) {
if (this.opts.scrollAccelerate && data.step < this.opts.scrollStep) {
data.step += 0.2;
var self = this;
this.scrollTimeout = requestAnimationFrame(function () { self.menuScroll($sub); });
menuScrollMousewheel: function ($sub, e) {
if (this.getClosestMenu(e.target) == $sub[0]) {
e = e.originalEvent;
var up = (e.wheelDelta || -e.detail) > 0;
if ($sub.dataSM('scroll-arrows').eq(up ? 0 : 1).is(':visible')) {
$sub.dataSM('scroll').up = up;
this.menuScroll($sub, true);
menuScrollOut: function ($sub, e) {
if (mouse) {
if (!/^scroll-(up|down)/.test((e.relatedTarget || '').className) && ($sub[0] != e.relatedTarget && !$.contains($sub[0], e.relatedTarget) || this.getClosestMenu(e.relatedTarget) != $sub[0])) {
$sub.dataSM('scroll-arrows').css('visibility', 'hidden');
menuScrollOver: function ($sub, e) {
if (mouse) {
if (!/^scroll-(up|down)/.test(e.target.className) && this.getClosestMenu(e.target) == $sub[0]) {
var data = $sub.dataSM('scroll'),
upEnd = $(window).scrollTop() - $sub.dataSM('parent-a').offset().top - data.itemH;
$sub.dataSM('scroll-arrows').eq(0).css('margin-top', upEnd).end()
.eq(1).css('margin-top', upEnd + this.getViewportHeight() - data.arrowDownH).end()
.css('visibility', 'visible');
menuScrollRefreshData: function ($sub) {
var data = $sub.dataSM('scroll'),
upEnd = $(window).scrollTop() - $sub.dataSM('parent-a').offset().top - data.itemH;
if (this.cssTransforms3d) {
upEnd = -(parseFloat($sub.css('margin-top')) - upEnd);
$.extend(data, {
upEnd: upEnd,
downEnd: upEnd + this.getViewportHeight() - data.subH
menuScrollStop: function ($sub) {
if (this.scrollTimeout) {
this.scrollTimeout = 0;
$sub.dataSM('scroll').step = 1;
return true;
menuScrollTouch: function ($sub, e) {
e = e.originalEvent;
if (isTouchEvent(e)) {
var touchPoint = this.getTouchPoint(e);
// neglect event if we touched a visible deeper level sub menu
if (this.getClosestMenu(touchPoint.target) == $sub[0]) {
var data = $sub.dataSM('scroll');
if (/(start|down)$/i.test(e.type)) {
if (this.menuScrollStop($sub)) {
// if we were scrolling, just stop and don't activate any link on the first touch
this.$touchScrollingSub = $sub;
} else {
this.$touchScrollingSub = null;
// update scroll data since the user might have zoomed, etc.
// extend it with the touch properties
$.extend(data, {
touchStartY: touchPoint.pageY,
touchStartTime: e.timeStamp
} else if (/move$/i.test(e.type)) {
var prevY = data.touchY !== undefined ? data.touchY : data.touchStartY;
if (prevY !== undefined && prevY != touchPoint.pageY) {
this.$touchScrollingSub = $sub;
var up = prevY < touchPoint.pageY;
// changed direction? reset...
if (data.up !== undefined && data.up != up) {
$.extend(data, {
touchStartY: touchPoint.pageY,
touchStartTime: e.timeStamp
$.extend(data, {
up: up,
touchY: touchPoint.pageY
this.menuScroll($sub, true, Math.abs(touchPoint.pageY - prevY));
} else { // touchend/pointerup
if (data.touchY !== undefined) {
if (data.momentum = Math.pow(Math.abs(touchPoint.pageY - data.touchStartY) / (e.timeStamp - data.touchStartTime), 2) * 15) {
delete data.touchY;
menuShow: function ($sub) {
if (!$sub.dataSM('beforefirstshowfired')) {
$sub.dataSM('beforefirstshowfired', true);
if (this.$root.triggerHandler('beforefirstshow.smapi', $sub[0]) === false) {
if (this.$root.triggerHandler('beforeshow.smapi', $sub[0]) === false) {
$sub.dataSM('shown-before', true)
.stop(true, true);
if (!$sub.is(':visible')) {
// highlight parent item
var $a = $sub.dataSM('parent-a');
if (this.opts.keepHighlighted || this.isCollapsible()) {
if (this.isCollapsible()) {
$sub.removeClass('sm-nowrap').css({ zIndex: '', width: 'auto', minWidth: '', maxWidth: '', top: '', left: '', marginLeft: '', marginTop: '' });
} else {
// set z-index
$sub.css('z-index', this.zIndexInc = (this.zIndexInc || this.getStartZIndex()) + 1);
// min/max-width fix - no way to rely purely on CSS as all UL's are nested
if (this.opts.subMenusMinWidth || this.opts.subMenusMaxWidth) {
$sub.css({ width: 'auto', minWidth: '', maxWidth: '' }).addClass('sm-nowrap');
if (this.opts.subMenusMinWidth) {
$sub.css('min-width', this.opts.subMenusMinWidth);
if (this.opts.subMenusMaxWidth) {
var noMaxWidth = this.getWidth($sub);
$sub.css('max-width', this.opts.subMenusMaxWidth);
if (noMaxWidth > this.getWidth($sub)) {
$sub.removeClass('sm-nowrap').css('width', this.opts.subMenusMaxWidth);
// insert IE iframe shim
if ($sub.dataSM('ie-shim')) {
var complete = function () {
// fix: "overflow: hidden;" is not reset on animation complete in jQuery < 1.9.0 in Chrome when global "box-sizing: border-box;" is used
$sub.css('overflow', '');
// if sub is collapsible (mobile view)
if (this.isCollapsible()) {
if (this.opts.collapsibleShowFunction) {
this.opts.collapsibleShowFunction.call(this, $sub, complete);
} else {
$sub.show(this.opts.collapsibleShowDuration, complete);
} else {
if (this.opts.showFunction) {
this.opts.showFunction.call(this, $sub, complete);
} else {
$sub.show(this.opts.showDuration, complete);
// accessibility
$a.attr('aria-expanded', 'true');
'aria-expanded': 'true',
'aria-hidden': 'false'
// store sub menu in visible array
this.$root.triggerHandler('show.smapi', $sub[0]);
popupHide: function (noHideTimeout) {
if (this.hideTimeout) {
this.hideTimeout = 0;
var self = this;
this.hideTimeout = setTimeout(function () {
}, noHideTimeout ? 1 : this.opts.hideTimeout);
popupShow: function (left, top) {
if (!this.opts.isPopup) {
alert('SmartMenus jQuery Error:\n\nIf you want to show this menu via the "popupShow" method, set the isPopup:true option.');
if (this.hideTimeout) {
this.hideTimeout = 0;
this.$root.dataSM('shown-before', true)
.stop(true, true);
if (!this.$root.is(':visible')) {
this.$root.css({ left: left, top: top });
// IE iframe shim
if (this.$root.dataSM('ie-shim')) {
this.$root.dataSM('ie-shim').css({ zIndex: this.$root.css('z-index'), width: this.getWidth(this.$root), height: this.getHeight(this.$root), left: left, top: top }).insertBefore(this.$root);
// show menu
var self = this,
complete = function () {
self.$root.css('overflow', '');
if (this.opts.showFunction) {
this.opts.showFunction.call(this, this.$root, complete);
} else {
this.$root.show(this.opts.showDuration, complete);
this.visibleSubMenus[0] = this.$root;
refresh: function () {
rootKeyDown: function (e) {
if (!this.handleEvents()) {
switch (e.keyCode) {
case 27: // reset on Esc
var $activeTopItem = this.activatedItems[0];
if ($activeTopItem) {
var $sub = $activeTopItem.dataSM('sub');
if ($sub) {
case 32: // activate item's sub on Space
var $target = $(e.target);
if ($target.is('a') && this.handleItemEvents($target)) {
var $sub = $target.dataSM('sub');
if ($sub && !$sub.is(':visible')) {
this.itemClick({ currentTarget: e.target });
rootOut: function (e) {
if (!this.handleEvents() || this.isTouchMode() || e.target == this.$root[0]) {
if (this.hideTimeout) {
this.hideTimeout = 0;
if (!this.opts.showOnClick || !this.opts.hideOnClick) {
var self = this;
this.hideTimeout = setTimeout(function () { self.menuHideAll(); }, this.opts.hideTimeout);
rootOver: function (e) {
if (!this.handleEvents() || this.isTouchMode() || e.target == this.$root[0]) {
if (this.hideTimeout) {
this.hideTimeout = 0;
winResize: function (e) {
if (!this.handleEvents()) {
// we still need to resize the disable overlay if it's visible
if (this.$disableOverlay) {
var pos = this.$root.offset();
top: pos.top,
left: pos.left,
width: this.$root.outerWidth(),
height: this.$root.outerHeight()
// hide sub menus on resize - on mobile do it only on orientation change
if (!('onorientationchange' in window) || e.type == 'orientationchange') {
var isCollapsible = this.isCollapsible();
// if it was collapsible before resize and still is, don't do it
if (!(this.wasCollapsible && isCollapsible)) {
if (this.activatedItems.length) {
this.activatedItems[this.activatedItems.length - 1][0].blur();
this.wasCollapsible = isCollapsible;
$.fn.dataSM = function (key, val) {
if (val) {
return this.data(key + '_smartmenus', val);
return this.data(key + '_smartmenus');
$.fn.removeDataSM = function (key) {
return this.removeData(key + '_smartmenus');
$.fn.smartmenus = function (options) {
if (typeof options == 'string') {
var args = arguments,
method = options;
return this.each(function () {
var smartmenus = $(this).data('smartmenus');
if (smartmenus && smartmenus[method]) {
smartmenus[method].apply(smartmenus, args);
// [data-sm-options] attribute on the root UL
var dataOpts = this.data('sm-options') || null;
if (dataOpts) {
try {
dataOpts = eval('(' + dataOpts + ')');
} catch (e) {
dataOpts = null;
alert('ERROR\n\nSmartMenus jQuery init:\nInvalid "data-sm-options" attribute value syntax.');
return this.each(function () {
new $.SmartMenus(this, $.extend({}, $.fn.smartmenus.defaults, options, dataOpts));
// default settings
$.fn.smartmenus.defaults = {
isPopup: false, // is this a popup menu (can be shown via the popupShow/popupHide methods) or a permanent menu bar
mainMenuSubOffsetX: 0, // pixels offset from default position
mainMenuSubOffsetY: 0, // pixels offset from default position
subMenusSubOffsetX: 0, // pixels offset from default position
subMenusSubOffsetY: 0, // pixels offset from default position
subMenusMinWidth: '10em', // min-width for the sub menus (any CSS unit) - if set, the fixed width set in CSS will be ignored
subMenusMaxWidth: '20em', // max-width for the sub menus (any CSS unit) - if set, the fixed width set in CSS will be ignored
subIndicators: true, // create sub menu indicators - creates a SPAN and inserts it in the A
subIndicatorsPos: 'prepend', // position of the SPAN relative to the menu item content ('prepend', 'append')
subIndicatorsText: '+', // [optionally] add text in the SPAN (e.g. '+') (you may want to check the CSS for the sub indicators too)
scrollStep: 30, // pixels step when scrolling long sub menus that do not fit in the viewport height
scrollAccelerate: true, // accelerate scrolling or use a fixed step
showTimeout: 250, // timeout before showing the sub menus
hideTimeout: 500, // timeout before hiding the sub menus
showDuration: 0, // duration for show animation - set to 0 for no animation - matters only if showFunction:null
showFunction: null, // custom function to use when showing a sub menu (the default is the jQuery 'show')
// don't forget to call complete() at the end of whatever you do
// e.g.: function($ul, complete) { $ul.fadeIn(250, complete); }
hideDuration: 0, // duration for hide animation - set to 0 for no animation - matters only if hideFunction:null
hideFunction: function ($ul, complete) { $ul.fadeOut(200, complete); }, // custom function to use when hiding a sub menu (the default is the jQuery 'hide')
// don't forget to call complete() at the end of whatever you do
// e.g.: function($ul, complete) { $ul.fadeOut(250, complete); }
collapsibleShowDuration: 0, // duration for show animation for collapsible sub menus - matters only if collapsibleShowFunction:null
collapsibleShowFunction: function ($ul, complete) { $ul.slideDown(200, complete); }, // custom function to use when showing a collapsible sub menu
// (i.e. when mobile styles are used to make the sub menus collapsible)
collapsibleHideDuration: 0, // duration for hide animation for collapsible sub menus - matters only if collapsibleHideFunction:null
collapsibleHideFunction: function ($ul, complete) { $ul.slideUp(200, complete); }, // custom function to use when hiding a collapsible sub menu
// (i.e. when mobile styles are used to make the sub menus collapsible)
showOnClick: false, // show the first-level sub menus onclick instead of onmouseover (i.e. mimic desktop app menus) (matters only for mouse input)
hideOnClick: true, // hide the sub menus on click/tap anywhere on the page
noMouseOver: false, // disable sub menus activation onmouseover (i.e. behave like in touch mode - use just mouse clicks) (matters only for mouse input)
keepInViewport: true, // reposition the sub menus if needed to make sure they always appear inside the viewport
keepHighlighted: true, // keep all ancestor items of the current sub menu highlighted (adds the 'highlighted' class to the A's)
markCurrentItem: false, // automatically add the 'current' class to the A element of the item linking to the current URL
markCurrentTree: true, // add the 'current' class also to the A elements of all ancestor items of the current item
rightToLeftSubMenus: false, // right to left display of the sub menus (check the CSS for the sub indicators' position)
bottomToTopSubMenus: false, // bottom to top display of the sub menus
overlapControlsInIE: true // make sure sub menus appear on top of special OS controls in IE (i.e. SELECT, OBJECT, EMBED, etc.)
return $;
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